Redevelopment benefits neighborhood

Joseph W., Nashville 37210

As a resident of Chestnut Hill, I’ve been involved in providing input about the Greer Stadium redevelopment for the past several years. I’ve attended info sessions, responded to surveys, and met face to face with my city councilman.

I was extremely excited at the proposal to create walkability, arts spaces, affordable housing, and green spaces, while preserving the history of the site.High on my list of concerns was also making sure the land remained owned by the city, which is exactly what is happening under this proposal.

Now that it’s finally going to be redeveloped, voices from outside the neighborhood (and outside Nashville) are suddenly concerned that my neighbors and I don’t know what’s best for the site.

We’ve been waiting years for something to happen to Greer Stadium and I will continue to support smart development that helps out my neighborhood. Thriving communities need gathering spaces where people can live, work, and play. This proposal contains these elements and would make Chestnut Hill and Wedgewood-Houston better.

william rosenthal